Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Book Review - 2012 Family Guide to Groceries Under $250 a Month

2012 Family Guide to Groceries Under $250 a Month

by Melissa Burnell

Rating *** (3 stars)

This book is a much needed upgrade to a previously reviewed book. While there are many improvements to the book, there are also still some of the same pitfalls.

Price is still more important then quality. It is hard enough to find organic produce - let alone price comparing between stores. The book is also very negative against advertising and grocery management. Yes the grocery stores want more money - we know this every time we walk in to one - the book could educate without the 'big brother' attitude. 

There is a whole section on how quantity is getting smaller, prices are staying the same, and recipes are failing all around the world. Yes, it came across that apocalyptic. 

There are some good ideas about pre making mixes and other such items. The way that they are stored in the pictures does not give the sense that they will last all that long. The author already suggests vacuum sealing - Why would she not vacuum seal her mixes as well?

The book ends with a whole bunch of recipes that will never be made in our house. Feeding your family on $250 a month is not hard - for years I feed ours on less then $150 a month. The trick is also feeding them healthy - which this book does not really help with.

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