I received a call on the way to pick up my youngest, L, from the after school program. She wasn't feeling well. She nearly made it back to the car before she spewed brown liquid all over the parking lot. Mass quantities of brown liquid. Hum, no wonder she wasn't feeling good. After the third time she vomited she finally told me that she had used her allowance to buy an ice cream bar from her school snack shack. This is the school HEALTHY snack shack - but I digress.
Finding out L is allergic to gluten has been a transition. This is especially difficult since she is a very picky eater. Food is her number one trigger for meltdowns. So I do not fight her. I do gently prod her and continually ask of she is still hungry. Because I am worried about her consuming food and to decrease waste we have not yet gone strictly Paleo. Instead we have a "when it is gone it is gone" policy. Which means she ate Ramon (I shudder to admit this) when she was sick this past week. She has also eaten oatmeal for breakfast every morning. I have also relented to continue buying 'healthy' peanut butter for a bit longer.
I have been worried that L has not been transitioning her body towards eating better food. Especially since a cold last week wiped out her appetite. Although she has been off of school lunch for two weeks now, there is always trading with her friends, and of course snack shack. Yet her behavior spiked out of control this week, so did J's and S's. What has kept me going was the knowledge that they are in withdrawals. The fighting, winning, and outright hostility will decrease.
While not everyone will agree with my transitioning into a more healthy eating style, I nearly did a dance of joy when I heard L exclaim " The ice cream sandwich wasn't worth it, next time I will get potato chips."
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