Thursday, December 19, 2013

Book Review - The Paleo Kid: 26 recipes that will transform your family

The Paleo Kid: 26 Recipes that will Transform your Family

by. Kate Evans Scott


Format: Kindle
Rating: ****(4 Stars)

This is one of those books that the rating will depend greatly on the reader. If you are a parent starting to transition your child to the Paleo diet then this book would be a great starting point. However, if you have been eating Paleo as a family for an extended period of time then there will be little new to discover in this cookbook.

The book starts with a brief introduction to the Paleo diet, including some shallow history of eating. It then continues to provide a list of food acceptable, unacceptable, and questionable while on the Paleo diet. Perhaps the most worth aspect of the introduction is the authors ideas on how to get your children involved in their diet change, as well as give them the skills to continue throughout their life. I have found that L is more likely to eat the new foods I have made if she helps me to cook them.

The recipes are then divided into breakfast, lunch, dinner, desert and condiments. There is between five to seven recipes for each section except for condiments. The condiments section contains a recipe for catsup and honey mustard. Some of the recipes are very simplistic, such as poached eggs, omelets, or asparagus wrapped in lunch meat.

However, other recipes are very useful. We are planning on using the almond cookie recipe for our Christmas cookies this year. L has also been asking for honey mustard, so I foresee me creating that soon as well. I am also excited about incorporating some new vegetables into our diet by using these child friendly recipes. It is a less daunting introduction for myself as well as my children.

Possibly the best part of this book is that the Kindle edition only costs $2.99 - well worth the recipes even if you don't use more then half of them.

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